
Screaming agony, no more good expresion, just deep creative words with dark soul inside, song writen with that words would be only screaming and deep breething, I am inside that song, full of nothing, dumb but full with feeling, everything, every feeling has transformed into two feelings, from multiple into duo, agony and anger, I feel it in my head and only there and its like replicating with great speed faster then the speed of light E=mc , E-energy, m-mass, c-the speed of light in vacuum, well this is the speed of light and its fast about 299 792 458 m / s, what about the speed of the feeling in my head, here is the formula for this feeling, F=aAn+Oe, F-feeling, a-agony, An-anger, Oe-outside environment, thats faster then anything else. And the final result is a big scream cos if not the head will blow like a little ballone from the presure of the breathing anger inside me, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....



May 21, 2009 at 1:52 AM
