Going down

Deaf life has become this, trying to make everybody around deaf, deaf they are becoming, cruel deaf world I see now, angry eyes are looking at me, deaf mouths and loud ears are flying in the quite air, air of black blood made, thorned head's are floating in the dark sea filled with screams and pain, emotional sea is that, I made that sea, from my sorrow and pain, from my emptyness, from my primitively simple head. First I thought ''are this heads real?'' real they are, floating in the cursed sea, cursed from my unconcesness, ''whome are this heads?'' i will ask, heads of all the smart life's I have defy they are, strong and filled with potion of knowlidge, now they are in this black cursed sea of death, emotionaly dead, breaking all the chains around me, crushing all the armor I wear, and infecting me with the dumbness they have become, dumb I am becoming, like those I have learned not to be like that, and I made it, little...and now, everything is returning, I have cured them from the dumb poison, but the poison turned his teethes on me, biting and biting and biting and now I have no blood, no blood is runing in my vains, only fillthy potion. My mind becomes smaller and smaller, darker and darker are my eyes, and me, I have become almost nothing, my color is fading, I was once grey, then become dark black and now, now I am almost invisible, stop I wanna say, but, something in me dont want to, something is saying vanish, dissapear, thats the best, let the unknown take your collor and cease forever in the dark nothing, see nothing, find out how is it to feel, see, hear nothing, when you will, you will cease to know.
